Design is thinking
made visual.

Move folding table

Thanks to different heights, its area of ​​application extends from the side table, over the dining table to the standing table. Thanks to the honeycomb construction and the sophisticated folding mechanism, the table is light but still stable.

When folded, Move is a «board» 90 mm thick. Like everything that comes from designarchiv, lightweight construction. Accordingly, easy to stack and extremely flexible.          

Design: Team daskonzept


Typical foldable cheek table light and stable. Tabletop sandwich with thick veneer, folding mechanism, black promat galvanized. Nivelliergleiter.

L: 200 cm, D: 42.5 cm and 75 cm. H: 24, 44, 64, 72, 90 and 105 cm. Move high table 200 x 42.5 x height 105 cm 18 kg.


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Design is thinking made visual.